Multimedia Release

Blood-Clotting Enzyme Calls for Backup Against Adenovirus (4 of 4)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Blood-Clotting Enzyme Calls for Backup Against Adenovirus (4 of 4)

video: This is a Cryo-EM visualization of the human adenovirus in complex with coagulation factor X. The density is shown with the virus hexon in blue, penton base in gold, fiber in green, and factor X in red. This video relates to a paper that appeared in the September 27, 2012, issue of Science Express, published by AAAS. The paper, by Konstantin Doronin at University of Washington in Seattle, Wash., was titled, “Coagulation Factor X Activates Innate Immunity to Human Species C Adenovirus.” view more 

Credit: [Video courtesy of Dmitry Shayakhmetov]

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