Multimedia Release

An Ancient Art Studio, Unearthed (3 of 15)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

An Ancient Art Studio, Unearthed (3 of 15)

image: The abalone shell Tk2-S1 in situ before excavation with a ochre covered grindstone on the shell lip. Note the red color of the ochre on the shell nacre. This image relates to a paper that appeared in the Oct. 14, 2011, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by Dr. Chris Henshilwood of University of Bergen in Bergen, Norway, and colleagues, was titled, "A 100,000-Year-Old Ochre-Processing Workshop at Blombos Cave, South Africa." view more 

Credit: Image © <i>Science/</i>AAAS

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