Multimedia Release

Suffering Salmon Show Genetic Fingerprint (1 of 10)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Suffering Salmon Show Genetic Fingerprint (1 of 10)

video: Fraser River sockeye salmon are experiencing large, often unpredictable fluctuations both in salmon returns to the river and premature mortalities en route to spawning grounds. After a record low number of returns in 2009 (less than 1.5 million), over 30 million fish returned to the Fraser River to spawn in 2010 (shown in the video). This research group is developing new genomic tools to better predict both salmon returns and the fate of salmon in the river. This video relates to an article that appeared in the Jan. 14, 2011, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The study, by Dr. Kristi Miller at Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Nanaimo, BC, Canada, and colleagues was titled, "Genomic Signatures Predict Migration and Spawning Failure in Wild Canadian Salmon." view more 

Credit: Video file courtesy of Kristi M. Miller

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