image: Arun Bansil, University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Physics, poses for a portrait at Northeastern University on July 24, 2017. view more
Credit: Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University
Northeastern's College of Science is proud to be home to one of this year's highly cited researchers, University Distinguished Professor of Physics and Director of the Advanced Scientific Research Center Arun Bansil. "I feel honored to be on this very prestigious list of highly cited researchers in the world," he said.
Each year, Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science releases a list of the year's most highly cited researchers in the world who rank in the top one percent by citations for their field over an 11-year period. The list is composed of over 3,000 scientists and engineers and spans 21 fields of sciences and social sciences. This qualification recognizes them as being among the world's most influential minds according to Clarivate Analytics.
Bansil's work in the field of theoretical condensed matter physics has led to over 370 papers on topics ranging from successful prediction of new classes of topological materials to insights into the workings of high-temperature superconductors, two-dimensional and layered materials, disordered alloys and nanosystems. His research has developed theoretical approaches for understanding electronic structures of complex materials, and techniques for modeling spectroscopies such as angle-resolved photoemission, and inelastic light scattering. Bansil's recent work also impacts real-world applications for lithium-ion batteries and spintronics.
"I think we have barely scratched the surface of the vast store of riches hidden in quantum matter, and how the fascinating properties of quantum matter can be harnessed for fundamental science and revolutionary new technologies of the future," Bansil said.
Bansil represents Northeastern on the 2017 Highly Cited Researchers list along with Vladimir Torchillin, Distinguished Professor and Director of the Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Nanomedicine in the Bouvé College of Health Sciences.