Multimedia Release

Evolution of Wasp Altruism (2 of 2)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Evolution of Wasp Altruism (2 of 2)

image: A femal paper wasp (Polistes metricus) on her recently founded nest, in this case constructed in the laboratory from source materials in University of Illinois school colors. The first of her daughters will emerge as a worker from the cocoon at lower right, and then the foundress will become queen of the developing wasp society. This image relates to an article that appeared in the Sept. 28, 2007, issue of the journal Science, published by AAAS. The study, by Dr. Amy L. Toth and colleagues at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in Urbana, Ill., was titled: "Wasp Gene Expression Supports an Evolutionary Link Between Maternal Behavior and Eusociality." view more 

Credit: Image © Science

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