Multimedia Release

Ink Wash Painting Captured in Mouse's Leg

Reports and Proceedings

Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH)

Ink Wash Painting Captured in Mouse's Leg

image: The Department of Creative IT Engineering (CiTE) at POSTECH, Korea, has presented a winning image of blood vessels in a mouse's leg taken by Seungwan Jeon, a doctoral student of CiTE. Titled "Ink Wash Painting," the image was awarded the Bronze Prize at the Light Image Contest held by the Optical Society of Korea in commemoration of the International Year of Light 2015. Seungwan Jeon and his advisor, Professor Chulhong Kim, produced the image using photoacoustic tomography (Micro Photoacoustics INC, NY, USA). view more 

Credit: POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology)

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