Multimedia Release

Coastal Low Moves Away, Could Still Become Tropical at Sea

Reports and Proceedings

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Coastal Low Moves Away, Could Still Become Tropical at Sea

image: The low pressure system off the North Carolina coast is now moving further away from the US, but the National Hurricane Center says there's still a "30 percent chance" that it could become a tropical depression before it hits cooler waters that will squelch that transformation. The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) instrument on NASA's Aqua satellite captured an infrared image of the low on May 27 at 1:47 p.m. EDT (17:47 UTC). In the infrared image, the cold clouds from the low are seen in several areas in blue and purple off the North Carolina coast. Because the high clouds are broken, it's indicative of a very weak storm. The white border in this image circles the center of the low's circulation. view more 

Credit: NASA

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