Multimedia Release

Chromosomal Clues to Cancer Survival (2 of 2)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Chromosomal Clues to Cancer Survival (2 of 2)

image: Researchers analyzed the immune environment in colorectal tumors, showing that tumors can affect expression of proteins produced by immune cells. This image shows triple immunofluorescent staining of human colorectal tumors with CD20 (B cells, in green), CD3 (T cells in white), and Ki67 (proliferating cells in red), illustrating proliferating lymphocytes within tumors and showing proliferating lymphocytes in a tertiary lymphoid structure surrounding the tumor. This image relates to a paper that appeared in the March 19, 2014, issue of Science Translational Medicine, published by AAAS. The paper, by Dr. B. Mlecnik at INSERM in Paris, France, and colleagues was titled, "Functional Network Pipeline Reveals Genetic Determinants Associated with in Situ Lymphocyte Proliferation and Survival of Cancer Patients." view more 

Credit: Image courtesy of Jerome Galon, INSERM, Paris, France

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