News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

A Model of the Chimeric MHETase:PETase Enzyme

image: A model of the chimeric MHETase:PETase enzyme (red and blue, respectively).  view more 

Credit: Image credit: Aaron McGeehan (artist).

通过使用Ideonella sakaiensis这种细菌及其作用于固体塑料表面的PET酶以及第二个进一步把可溶性中间产物MHET分解成PET单体的MHET酶,能够实现对塑料污染物PET的降解;科研人员报告了这两种酶如何协同增效解聚PET,他们还改造了一种嵌合酶,与这种自然进化的双酶系统相比,把MHET酶和PET酶连接起来赋予了增强的活性。


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