image: This is the life cycle of the tarnished plant bug. view more
Credit: Dominic Reisig
St. Paul, MN (August, 2019)--The tarnished plant bug is a profligate pest, which means it can feed on many different species, including cotton. Over the last 10 years, the tarnished plant bug has become one of the most important pests of cotton in North Carolina and Virginia. In the webcast "Tarnished Plant Bug in North Carolina and Virginia," Dominic Reisig (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at North Carolina State University) introduces the pest, discusses its threat to cotton, and makes general management recommendations.
After detailing the life cycle of the tarnished bug plant, Reisig explains that the pest primarily damages cotton by feeding on its reproductive tissues. The tarnished bug plant can be easily managed in cotton, but it is important to sample correctly and apply the threshold properly. These processes are described along with general management tips, which include planting early, planting away from other hosts, and blocking cotton together. Farmers should also avoid overfertilizing and overirrigating.
This webcast complements "Tarnished Plant Bug Management Strategies for Mid-Atlantic Cotton," which describes in more detail how to identify and control this economically important pest.
Both webcasts are available through the "Focus on Cotton" resource on the Plant Management Network. This resource contains more than 75 webcasts, along with presentations from six conferences, on a broad range of aspects of cotton crop management: agronomic practices, diseases, harvest and ginning, insects, irrigation, nematodes, precision agriculture, soil health and crop fertility, and weeds. These webcasts are available to readers open access (without a subscription).
The "Focus on Cotton" homepage also provides access to "Cotton Cultivated," a new resource from Cotton Incorporated that helps users quickly find the most current cotton production information available. These and other resources are freely available courtesy of Cotton Incorporated at
About Plant Management Network: Plant Management Network (PMN) is a cooperative, not-for-profit resource for the applied agricultural and horticultural sciences. Together with more than 80 partners, which include land-grant universities, scientific societies, and agribusinesses, PMN publishes quality, applied, and science-based information for practitioners. All subscription-based information on PMN can be accessed for an annual subscription fee.
About the Cotton Board: The Cotton Research & Promotion Act established the Cotton Board as a quasi-governmental, nonprofit entity to serve as the administrator of the Cotton Research & Promotion Program. Funded by America's cotton producers and importers through the cotton check-off, the program's research and promotion activities are conducted worldwide by Cotton Incorporated, the Cotton Board's sole-source contracting organization, to increase the demand for and improve the market position of cotton.
The Cotton Research & Promotion Program continues to work in all areas of cotton's pipeline--from the field to the consumer--to keep cotton the number-one fiber choice in the United States. For more information about the Cotton Board and the innovative activities stemming from the program, visit