image: Example of Flow Fish data analysis of T helper subpopulation. Each blood sample was either stained with PNA probe (b) or without (a), following by antibodies staining (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD19), before data acquisition. view more
Credit: Correspondence to: Amir Hadanny email: and Shai Efrati email:
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Aging-US published "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells: a prospective trial" which reported that the aim of the current study was to evaluate whether hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) affects telomere length (TL) and senescent cell concentrations in a normal, non-pathological, aging adult population.
Thirty-five healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, were enrolled to receive 60 daily HBOT exposures.
Whole blood samples were collected at baseline, at the 30th and 60th session, and 1-2 weeks following the last HBOT session.
Telomeres length of T helper, T cytotoxic, natural killer and B cells increased significantly by over 20% following HBOT.
In this Aging-US study, the most significant change was noticed in B cells which increased at the 30th session, 60th session and post HBOT by 25.68%±40.42 , 29.39%±23.39 and 37.63%±52.73, respectively.
Dr. Amir Hadanny and Dr. Shai Efrati said, "Aging can be characterized by the progressive loss of physiological integrity, resulting in impaired functions and susceptibility for diseases and death."
At the cellular level, there are two key hallmarks of the aging process: shortening of telomere length and cellular senescence.
Shortened TLs can be a direct inherited trait, but several environmental factors have also been associated with shortening TL including stress, lack of physical endurance activity, excess body mass index, smoking, chronic inflammation, vitamins deficiency and oxidative stress.
Cellular senescence is an arrest of the cell cycle which can be caused by telomere shortening, as well as other aging associated stimuli independent of TL such as non-telomeric DNA damage.
The accumulation of senescent cells with aging reflects either an increase in the generation of these cells and/or a decrease in their clearance, which in turn aggravates the damage and contributes to aging.
On the cellular level, it was demonstrated that HBOT can induce the expression of hypoxia induced factor, vascular endothelial growth factor and sirtuin, stem cell proliferation, mitochondrial biogenesis, angiogenesis and neurogenesis.
The Hadanny/Efrati Research Team concluded in their Aging-US Research Output that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a well-established treatment modality for non-healing wounds, radiation injuries as well as different hypoxic or ischemic events .
In recent years, a growing evidence from preclinical as well as clinical trials demonstrate the efficacy of HBOT for neurological indications including idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss, post stroke and post traumatic brain injury, central sensitization syndrome such as fibromyalgia syndrome and age related cognitive decline and animal models of Alzheimer's disease.
For the first time, the current study aimed to evaluate the physiological effect on the cellular level in aging humans without any functional limiting disease.
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Correspondence to: Amir Hadanny email: and Shai Efrati email:
Keywords: telomere, senescence, aging, hyperbaric oxygen, length
About Aging-US
Launched in 2009, Aging-US publishes papers of general interest and biological significance in all fields of aging research as well as topics beyond traditional gerontology, including, but not limited to, cellular and molecular biology, human age-related diseases, pathology in model organisms, cancer, signal transduction pathways (e.g., p53, sirtuins, and PI-3K/AKT/mTOR among others), and approaches to modulating these signaling pathways.
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