News Release


Human consciousness is supported by dynamic complex patterns of brain signal coordination

Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Brain Patterns Indicative of Consciousness, in Unconscious Individuals

image: In consciousness and unconsciousness, our brains have different modes to self-organize as time goes by. When we are conscious, brain regions communicate with a rich temperament, showing both positive and negative connections (coherence, C; red and blue color respectively), which facilitates the exchange of information in an efficient manner. Conscious individuals may also leave this pattern for others, but they tend to come back to this mode for longer periods of time. On the contrary, when we are unconscious, our brain regions become "idle" and do not connect with each another (coherence around zero, green color). Unconscious individuals prefer to stay longer in this mode and avoid to explore other brain configurations, which does not permit flexibility of information exchange. view more 

Credit: E. Tagliazucchi & A. Demertzi

在长期存在的区别无意识状态者有无知觉的困难中,科学家们报告了基于fMRI的脑部活动不同模式的证据,他们说,这些模式可区分有意识或无意识状态。实时发现这些模式可进行从外部诱导的非创伤性恢复意识的操作。作者说,这一检测过程还具有极大地促进对意识受损患者做出医疗决策的潜力。无意识的特点是无法报告主观体验。对通过药物(如麻醉剂)诱导进入暂时性无意识状态的患者或是对那些由脑损伤引发的更为持久的无意识状态者而言,表明是否存在意识的可靠指标一直难以捉摸。在寻找这类指标时,A. Demertzi和同事记录了159名受试者的功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)数据,这些受试者是在4个独立的研究机构进行脑部扫描的。这些人中有些为接受麻醉药的健康患者。另外一些人则通过标准化的行为评估被诊断为有着无反应性觉醒综合症(UWS)的患者或是处于最小意识状态(MCS)的患者;UWS指的是那些可以睁开眼睛但却无法表现自主运动的人,而MCS是指那些表现出其它可能表明有意识行为者。作者分析了fMRI血液浓度依赖性(BOLD,它是神经元活动的代理指标)信号的波动是如何在43个关键脑区(这些脑区代表了6个脑部网络,它们已知在认知中起着重要的作用)中进行协调的。该分析发现了4种可进行区分的模式:模式-1有着高度的复杂性,它具有长距离的脑区间的全脑协调。它更常见于健康且神志清醒者。另一方面,模式-4显示脑区间协调水平低下,它在UWS患者中最明显。Demertzi和同事发现,被麻醉的病人会随着时间的推移展示出不同脑部状态间过渡的较低机率。作者说,这些发现为支持有意识行为的大尺度脑动态变化提供了了解(提示高度复杂的长距离全脑协调是有意识状态的一个关键性的特征),它们也为寻找有意识状态的生物学标记提供了重要的线索。


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