News Release

BESAFE Conference in Manchester: Working towards a brighter future for biodiversity

Business Announcement

Pensoft Publishers


image: This picture shows BE SAFE and BIOMOT logos view more 


A joint BESAFE – BIOMOT meeting is held between 20-22 February in Manchester, UK to map the progress and development of the projects and set the agenda for the future. Alongside reports from the last 16 months, this meeting will focus on the forthcoming case study work. A special session of the workshop will be designated to the interface between the two projects to outline the common objectives and directions for possible cooperation.

The general aim of the FP7 funded project BESAFE is to provide a framework that summarises the impact of alternative arguments used to explain the importance of biodiversity protection, and to make this framework easily accessible and usable through a publicly accessible database and associated toolkit. BESAFE aims at innovating and improving biodiversity protection, through demonstrating its value through applying ecological, socio-economic, spatial and temporal contexts.

The BIOMOT project (MOTivational strength of ecosystem services and alternative ways to express the value of BIOdiversity) addresses the same problem of building and sustaining motivation to act for biodiversity. BIOMOT undertakes empirical research in seven European countries to examine the potential or observed effectiveness of alternative ways to argue the case for swift and effective action to prevent further degradation of the natural world.

As the two project coordinators put it: "BESAFE and BIOMOT are different. The first project is looking at arguments at work, the second at why people act for biodiversity. They are therefore quite complementary. Yet they have a common drive to develop a new, non-economic language to speak about nature in policy making. On that basis they also share some of the case study work".


Posted by Pensoft Publishers

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