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Peer-Reviewed Publication

Science China Press

Figure 1:

image: Spatial variation of (a) precipitation, (b) evaporation, (c) near-surface soil moisture, (d) soil porosity in Mainland China. The values in (a-c) are averaged over July of 2002-2011, and Figure (d) is from Shangguan et al. (2013). The grids covering large lakes and near-coastal areas are removed. Low soil moisture content in part of the southwestern region (oval-covered part), reflecting the region's predominance of coarse-grained purple soils with low soil porosity (d) view more 

Credit: ©Science China Press




(1) 土壤水分含量与降水和蒸发的空间分布基本一致,即中国东南部湿润、西北干旱;(2) 西南的部分区域土壤水分含量不高,反映了该区域以粗颗粒的紫色土为主、土壤孔隙度低的特征(图1);(3) 土壤水分在中国气候过渡区比湿润区和干旱区有更强的季节变化,而在相对干旱的北方比相对湿润的南方有更强的年际变率,且春秋季变率更加明显。

这些发现将有助于理解中国气候、水文和生态的空间格局和年际变率。相关研究以“Development of a daily soil moisture product for the period of 2002–2011 in Mainland China”为题发表在Science China Earth Sciences上。数据来源:



Yang K, Chen Y, HeJ, Zhao L, Lu H, Qin J, Zheng D, Li X. 2020. Development of a daily soilmoisture product for the period of 2002–2011in Mainland China. Science China Earth Sciences, 63,

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