image: Based on structural data of the immunoproteasome researchers at Technische Universität München found an inhibitor, which selectively inactivates the immunoproteasome without influencing the constitutive proteasome. view more
Credit: Prof. Michael Groll / TUM
This news release is available in German.
The immune system functions as the body's police force, protecting it from intruders like bacteria and viruses. However, in order to ascertain what is happening in the cell it requires information on the foreign invaders. This task is assumed by so-called immunoproteasomes. These are cylindrical protein complexes that break down the protein structures of the intruders into fragments that can be used by the defense system.
"In autoimmune disorders like rheumatism, type 1 diabetes or multiple sclerosis as well as severe inflammations a significantly increased immunoproteasome concentration can be measured in the cells," explains Prof. Michael Groll at the TUM Chair of Biochemistry. "The deactivation of this degradation machinery suppresses the regeneration of immune signaling molecules, which, in turn, prevents an excessive immune reaction."
Subtle but significant differences
For some time now, scientists have been on the lookout for new active substances that block immunoproteasomes in a targeted manner without inhibiting the so-called constitutive proteasomes also present in cells. They break down defective or no longer required proteins and are thus responsible for cellular recycling. Notably cell death occurs, when both the constitutive proteasomes and the immunoproteasomes are inactivated.
In early 2012 the research team led by Groll fulfilled a prerequisite for designing specific active substances: They solved the crystal structure of the immunoproteasome, allowing them to spot the subtle but significant differences between the otherwise nearly identical structures.
Special mode of action
The potential drug that the researchers developed is based on the epoxyketon ONX 0914, an immunoproteasome inhibitor that is already used in clinical trials. The scientists replaced the epoxyketon with a sulfonylflouride group and modified its positioning on the inhibitor. The result was a new compound that selectively inhibits the immunoproteasome without influencing the constitutive proteasome.
First author Christian Dubiella explains what makes the discovered mechanism so special: "Normally inhibitors clog up the active center of the enzyme and thereby disable its functionality. The substance synthesized by us, however, attaches to its target, causing the active center to destroy itself, and then gets detached after successful inactivation." Especially the insights into the atomic mechanisms that were uncovered using X-ray structure analysis open the door to the custom-tailored development of immunoproteasome inhibitors. This may pave the road for a future generation of medications.
About the project:
The research was done in collaboration with working groups led by Prof. Stephan Sieber at the Department of Organic Chemistry II and Prof. Achim Krüger at the Institute of Experimental Oncology and Therapy Research at TUM, as well as Prof. Robert Liskamp at the University of Glasgow. The work was funded by the German Research Foundation DFG (SFB 1035/A2 & DFG GR 1861/10-1), as well as the Excellence Cluster Center for Integrated Protein Science Munich (CIPSM). The X-ray diffraction measurements were conducted at the PXI Beamline of the Paul Scherrer Institute (Villingen, Switzerland).
Selective Inhibition of the Immunoproteasome by Ligand-Induced Crosslinking of the Active Site, Christian Dubiella, Haissi Cui, Malte Gersch, Arwin J. Brouwer, Stephan A. Sieber, Achim Krüger, Rob M. J. Liskamp, Michael Groll, Angewandte Chemie, Early view, September 22, 2014 – DOI: 10.1002/anie.201406964
Angewandte Chemie International Edition