News Release

Ways of improving thermal energy conversion for efficient power generation

Book Announcement

Bentham Science Publishers

Worldwide many thermal industries are working without tapping the valuable waste heat into a useful form. Electricity is one of the most extensively used commodities in the world. The existing and futuristic power plant configurations and its characteristics suitable to a waste heat recovery (WHR) are discussed in 'Thermal Cycles of Heat Recovery Power Plants'. Novel power plant configurations are developed and elaborated from modelling to the optimization through the simulation.

Five different power plants configurations, suitable to heat recovery are presented viz. organic Rankine cycle (ORC), organic flash cycle (OFC), Kalina cycle (KC) steam Rankine cycle (SRC) and steam flash cycle (SFC). Out of these power plant layouts, flash cycle (FC) has been recommended because of its adoptability to the heat recovery. The novel flash cycle, which is different from the current geothermal power plant is detailed to augment the heat recovery and power with organic fluid system and steam system.

The performance characteristics of these power plants differ with the working fluid and state of heat source, i.e., below or above the critical temperature. Separate performance characteristics and correlations are developed in these two regions for all the selected fluids. A case study related to cement factory's heat recovery has been presented to understand the power plant nature with heat recovery. The theoretical results are validated with a cement factory's case studies with SRC and SFC. The mathematical simulation has been extended to solve 'n' flashers in SFC. Finally, OFC and SFC are recommended in place of ORC and SRC for maximum output.

Organic flash cycle or steam flash cycle are not reported in the available books in the area of power industry. This book companions the undergraduate and post graduate students of mechanical, electrical and similar streams, power plant engineers, practicing engineers, research scholars, faculty and plant trainees in the field of power generation. Latest power plant configurations, selection of working fluids to suit the heat recovery temperature and novel flashing cycle in place of organic Rankine cycle and steam Rankine cycle are the key features of this book.

'Thermal Cycles of Heat Recovery Power Plants' is suitable for engineering students in degree courses and professionals in training programs who require resources on advanced thermal power plant operation and optimal waste heat recovery processes, respectively. It is also a handy reference for energy conversion efficiency in heat recovery power plants. The book is also of interest to any researchers interested in industrial applications of thermodynamic processes.


About the Author

Dr. Tangellapalli Srinivas is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Dr. B.R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. He previously worked as a Professor at the CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre of the School of Mechanical Engineering at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore. He received his PhD from JNT University College of Engineering, Hyderabad in 2008 and was a Postdoctoral fellow at University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada in 2010 and 2013. Dr. Srinivas has completed various research projects funded by CSIR, SERB, SERB and NSERC. He has 4 patents and one copyright to his credit. He has authored 3 full books, 10 book chapters, 100 journal publications, and 85 conference proceedings. His current areas of research are solar thermal energy, poly-generation, combined power and cooling systems, Kalina power systems and combined cycle power generation. He has given 60 invited lectures and has supervised 5 PhD students, 29 M Tech thesis and 32 UG projects. Dr. Srinivas also has industrial experience of 3 years and 9 months in a machine tool company. He is the Editorial Board Member of Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering Journal and Applied Solar Energy (Springer).

Key words:

power plant, thermodynamics, heat recovery, Rankine cycle, Kalina cycle, steam flash cycle, organic flash cycle, organic Rankine cycle, organic fluid system, steam system

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