image: In 1871, Dimitri Mendeleev's periodic table was presented to the world, but missing many of the 118 elements leaving place-holders for those yet to be discovered. Each element added has a unique story of scientific discovery and we wish to honor women's history month in the international year of the periodic table. This week on Reactions, we wanted to share the story of two of chemistry's most brilliant and bold women and their paths of elemental discovery -- because what they brought to the table changed the world as we know it: view more
Credit: The American Chemical Society
WASHINGTON, March 21, 2019 -- In 1871, Dimitri Mendeleev presented his periodic table to the world. Many of the current 118 elements were missing, and he left placeholders for those yet to be discovered. Each element has a unique story of scientific discovery. This week on Reactions, we're honoring Women's History Month during this International Year of the Periodic Table. And we are sharing the story of two of chemistry's most brilliant and bold women, their paths to elemental discovery and how they changed the world as we know it:
Reactions is a video series produced by the American Chemical Society and PBS Digital Studios. Subscribe to Reactions at, and follow us on Twitter @ACSreactions.
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