News Release

Improving wind farm efficiency

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Wind turbines in wake-steering arrangement, with upwind turbines turned relative to the downwind turbine (foreground).

image: Wind turbines in wake-steering arrangement, with upwind turbines turned relative to the downwind turbine (foreground). view more 

Credit: Image courtesy of John O. Dabiri.

Researchers report that misaligning wind turbines with respect to the incident wind in order to deflect the turbines' wake away from downwind turbines yielded a 7-13% increase in total power production and a 72% reduction in the variability of power production for near-average wind speeds, relative to the historical baseline, in field experiments on an array of 6 turbines over a 10-day period at a wind farm in Alberta, Canada.


Article #19-03680: "Wind farm power optimization through wake steering," by Michael F. Howland, Sanjiva K. Lele, and John O. Dabiri.

MEDIA CONTACT: John O. Dabiri, Stanford University, CA; tel: 650-721-5311; e-mail: <>

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