Multimedia Release

For Flight, Bees Rely on a Familiar Mechanism (2 of 2)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

For Flight, Bees Rely on a Familiar Mechanism (2 of 2)

video: This movie explains how the mechanism of stretch activation works in the two antagonistic muscles in the thorax of a flying insect. This video relates to a paper that appeared in the 22 August, 2013, issue of Science Express, published by AAAS. The paper, by H. Iwamoto and N. Yagi, at SPring-8, JASRI in Hyogo, Japan, was titled, " The Molecular Trigger for High-Speed Wing Beats in a Bee." view more 

Credit: [Video courtesy of Hiroyuki Iwamoto]

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