Multimedia Release

Animal-Inspired Imaging System Shifts Gaze to Track Motion (1 of 8)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Animal-Inspired Imaging System Shifts Gaze to Track Motion (1 of 8)

image: An artistic rendering depicting the principle of foveated imaging. A wide-range of animals have foveated vision, which involves taking in visual information with varying levels of detail. The single-pixel imaging system uses a similar approach, providing highest resolution for an area of focus while steadily gathering surrounding details. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the April 21, 2017, issue of Science Advances, published by AAAS. The paper, by D.B. Phillips at University of Glasgow in Glasgow, UK, and colleagues was titled, 'Adaptive foveated single-pixel imaging with dynamic supersampling.' view more 

Credit: [Credit: Kevin Mitchell and David Phillips (both of University of Glasgow).]

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