News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

One Part of the Brain Unexpectedly Continues to Grow in Adulthood

image: Researcher shows the child images of his brain just taken on the MRI machine. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Jan. 6, 2017, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by J. Gomez at Stanford University School of Medicine in Stanford, Calif., and colleagues was titled, "Microstructural proliferation in human cortex is coupled with the development of face processing." view more 

Credit: Jesse Gomez and Kalanit Grill-Spector at the Vision and Perception Neuroscience Lab

一项新的研究揭示,人类脑部的负责面部识别的部分会在进入成年时继续生长。这些结果令人惊讶,因为脑部发育大体上被认为仅涉及突触修剪而非生长。识别面部的能力对日常社交互动至关重要,这种能力会在从儿童至成年的过程中得到提高。为了更好地理解面部识别时的脑部活动,Jesse Gomez等用量化核磁共振成像(qMRI)来比较不同人的脑组织;在22名儿童和25个成年人中,他们对面部识别测试结果及对地方识别测试结果的相应脑区的qMRI数据进行了比较。有趣的是,结果发现,帮助人们识别脸部的脑区在成年人中的大小会相对增加,但帮助人们识别地方的脑区则维持同样大小。这些结果在对死后成年人的脑分析中获得了证实。建模表明,髓鞘(这是包裹神经细胞轴突的白色脂质物质)变化本身不足以解释该脑区的这种扩大。因此,作者提出,这可能是由细胞体、树突结构和髓鞘增加引起的。


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