News Release

New GSA book details the Peninsular Ranges batholith of California

New memoir from the Geological Society of America

Book Announcement

Geological Society of America

Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Baja California and Southern California

image: This is the cover image for GSA Memoir 211. view more 

Credit: GSA Memoir 211, edited by Douglas M. Morton and Fred K. Miller

Boulder, CO, USA - In the newest addition to The Geological Society of America's memoir series, editors Douglas M. Morton and Fred K. Miller of the U.S. Geological Survey have brought together 24 well-illustrated chapters detailing the northern 600 km of the Peninsular Ranges batholith of California. This batholith makes up the southern part of the Cretaceous magmatic arc that extends more than 1500 km from northern California, USA, to the tip of Baja California, Mexico.

While the emphasis of this volume is on the more completely exposed northern 600 km of the Peninsular Ranges batholith, areas covered include the San Diego County area and Baja California, south of the Agua Blanca fault.

Petrology, geochronology, and regional aspects of individual plutons, as well as evolution of part of the overall batholith are discussed throughout the book. A number of chapters deal with geophysical, chemical, and isotopic interpretations of the genesis and evolution of the batholith. The memoir's 425+ figures provide a level of detail that will capture the minds and spark the curiosity not only of workers in this field but also of geoscientists for whom this type of study is not a specialty. The accompanying CD-ROM contains meticulous color maps and a wealth of chemical, isotopic, mineralogic, and physical properties data.


Individual copies of the volume may be purchased through The Geological Society of America online store,, or by contacting GSA Sales and Service,

Book editors of earth science journals/publications may request a review copy by contacting April Leo,

Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Baja California and Southern California
Douglas M. Morton and Fred K. Miller (editors)
Geological Society of America Memoir 211
MWR211, 758 p., $142.00; Member price $99.00
ISBN 978-0-8137-1211-6

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