image: Structure characterization on silver iodides filled in MWCNTs. HRTEM images of silver iodides inside MWCNTs viewed along different directions with corresponding structural models (insets: red - iodine, blue - silver). (a-c) HRTEM images with corresponding structural models (inset: red - iodine, blue - silver) along <1 0 0>, <1 1 1>, and <1 1 0> respectively. (d, e) The cross section and longitudinal section of structural model after molecular dynamics simulation. (f) Calculated radial distribution function and average number of neighbors of Ag-I (black line), Ag-Ag (red line) and I-I (blue line) within a sphere of radius r for Ag-I pairs (purple line).
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Credit: Science China Press
作者在两种不同直径的碳纳米管中成功合成了两种不同的介稳态碘化银结构,包括盐岩相碘化银和螺旋状碘化银结构。盐岩相碘化银结构在相图中处于400 MPa-11.3 GPa之间,而螺旋状碘化银结构在相图中还不存在。通常情况下,在室温室压下碘化银表现为β和γ相结构,随着温度的升高,碘化银会转变为α相结构;当压强继续增加,碘化银会相继转变为四方、盐岩和类氢氧化钾结构。而利用碳纳米管的特殊纳米内腔,这两种结构都能够在室温室压条件下稳定存在。这一技术手段为极端结构或者特殊性能介稳态结构的合成与应用提供了新的思路。
Hongyang Huang, Jinying Zhang, Yifan Zhang, Chengcheng Fu, Jialiang Huang, Yonghong Cheng, Chunming Niu, Xinluo Zhao and Hisanori Shinohara
Rock-salt and helix structures of silver iodides under ambient conditions
Natl Sci Rev (April 2019) doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwz041
National Science Review
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