News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Regenerative Nerve Interface Enhances Precision and Durability of Hand Prostheses (1 of 12)

video: An advanced myoelectric prosthetic approach from University of Michigan engineers and clinicians offers real-time, intuitive, long-term mind control of prosthetic hands. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Mar. 4, 2020, issue of Science Translational Medicine, published by AAAS. The paper, by P.P. Vu at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI; and colleagues was titled, "A regenerative peripheral nerve interface allows real-time control of an artificial hand in upper limb amputees." view more 

Credit: [Credit: University of Michigan Engineering]

研究人员发现,当使用假体手时,一种新的神经接口技术可赋予上肢截肢者更大的控制能力和精度。在没有进行调整的情况下,该接口已经在4个截肢者中运作了近一年,它可改善上肢假体的耐用性并提高失去上肢患者的生活品质,包括可能减轻已有的疼痛。外周神经接口可通过记录来自剩余肢体中的神经信号并将其转化为运动来控制神经假体。神经接口能让失去肢体者直观地控制替代假体,并能感知压力和触摸。但是,许多接口会随着时间的推移而失去功能并需重新调整,而大多数平台仅为植入假体的截肢者提供范围有限的独立活动。Phillip Vu和同事先前创建了再生性外周神经接口(RPNI),这是一个可为假肢手提供卓越精细运动控制的植入式界面。该RPNIs由已被切割并被植入肌性移植物中的外周神经组成,后者接着在3个月中会再生并成长出神经和血管。在这项研究中,科学家们将他们的RPNIs植入4个上肢截肢者体内,并测试了它们的耐用性和功能。这些RPNIs能让参与者用假手实时做出快速且复杂的手指和拇指运动。这些个体在诸如抓握和移动小物体等功能测试中也有良好表现,而该接口的运作时间已经长达300天且无需重新校准。Vu等人告诫说,需要做进一步的研究以比较RPNIs和其它外科方法的裨益。


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