Multimedia Release

Multiple Turning Points in Beetle Development (1 of 4)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Multiple Turning Points in Beetle Development (1 of 4)

image: This is an image of a horned beetle included in the study and exhibiting trimorphism. Shown here is a horned "alpha" male of Oxysternon conspicillatum. This image relates to an article that appeared in the Feb. 6, 2009, issue of the journal Science, published by AAAS. The study, by Dr. J. Mark Rowland of the University of New Mexico and Dr. Douglas J. Emlen of the University of Montana, was titled, "Two Thresholds, Three Male Forms Result in Facultative Male Trimorphism in Beetles." view more 

Credit: Image courtesy of J.M. Rowland and D.J. Emlen

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