Multimedia Release

New Technique Captures 'Snapshots' of Tissues' Redox State

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

New Technique Captures 'Snapshots' of Tissues' Redox State

image: Histological redox imaging of a mouse embryo expressing the mito-roGFP2-Orp1 biosensor. The inset shows the embryonic liver. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the March 15, 2016, issue of Science Signaling, published by AAAS. The paper, by Y. Fujikawa at DKFZ-ZMBH German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany, and colleagues was titled, "Mouse redox histology using genetically encoded probes." view more 

Credit: Y. Fujikawa <i>et al., Science Signaling</i> (2016)

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