Multimedia Release

Spinal Cord Treatment for Parkinson's Tested on Rats (1 of 3)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Spinal Cord Treatment for Parkinson's Tested on Rats (1 of 3)

image: Set-up for electrical stimulation of dorsal columns. The stimulation electrode (red) is implanted above the spinal cord, and connection wires are passed subcutaneously to a connector attached to the skull. Two stimulus-isolator units provide biphasic constant current pulses at desired frequency and intensity. This image accompanied the report "Spinal Cord Stimulation Restores Locomotion in Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease," by R. Fuentes et. al. appearing in the March 20, 2009 issue of Science. view more 

Credit: Image courtesy of <i>Science</i>-AAAS

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