News Release

Call for Proposals: FAPESP Grant for International Researchers

This Call is open for researchers of all nationalities necessarily working and living abroad for at least 2 years who wish to establish or start a research career at research institutions located in the State of São Paulo

Grant and Award Announcement

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo

Call for Proposals: FAPESP Grant for International Researchers


Applicants must be working and living abroad for at least 2 years in research institutions, sponsored by international sources (postdoc, research fellow, and/or permanent positions)

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Credit: Daniel Antônio/Agência FAPESP

The Call FAPESP Investigator Grant for International Researchers aims to boost the scientific and technological leadership of São Paulo in multiple areas of knowledge. With this Call for Proposals, FAPESP wants to recruit up to twenty researchers who demonstrate exceptional expertise in their respective fields.This call is open for researchers of all nationalities necessarily working and living abroad for at least 2 years who wish to establish or start a research career at research institutions located in the State of São Paulo . 

It seeks to stimulate the creation of opportunities, under internationally competitive conditions, for researchers with exceptional research backgrounds. Proponents need to demonstrate achievements after their doctorate research that indicate leadership capacity and great potential in any area of knowledge and research.

All areas of knowledge and research are eligible for this Call FAPESP, from basic to applied research. The duration of the proposed project must be 60 months. The deadline for submission of pre-proposal of pre-proposal is June 3rd, 2025. The final result announcement is in October and the project starts at December. 

For support offered by FAPESP and further information:


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