News Release

Beyond the chicken-and-egg dilemma – uncovering the hidden challenges of the digital platform business model

Khaled Abed Alghani’s doctoral dissertation in strategic management at the University of Vaasa, Finland, sheds light on why some digital platforms succeed while others fail

Reports and Proceedings

University of Vaasa

Khaled Abed Alghani


Khaled Abed Alghani

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Credit: Photo: University of Vaasa

Some of the most valuable companies in the world owe their success to digital platforms. But why do several companies fail when attempting to follow in their footsteps? Khaled Abed Alghani’s doctoral dissertation in strategic management at the University of Vaasa sheds light on the missing pieces of the platform puzzle.

Building a successful digital platform is kind of like launching a new shopping mall. Constructing the space isn’t enough – you need both shops and customers to show up at the same time. This is referred to as the chicken-and-egg dilemma, and in previous academic literature, it has been widely considered the primary obstacle to platform success. However, Khaled Abed Alghani is thinking outside the nest, arguing that focusing solely on the chicken-and-egg dilemma oversimplifies the reality of platform management.

– I have identified five key processes in managing industry platforms: creation, integration, orchestration, navigation, and evolution. While the chicken-and-egg dilemma belongs to the integration phase, the earlier creation phase presents its own hurdles that platform owners must address before even attempting to build a user base. Similarly, the orchestration, navigation, and evolution processes each present their unique strategic challenges, Abed Alghani states.

A growing opportunity for B2B markets

Platform-based business models are well-established in consumer markets, as demonstrated by the likes of Uber and Airbnb. However, many firms in manufacturing and other B2B industries have been hesitant to adopt platform strategies. One reason is the complexity of governing relationships between businesses, which differs significantly from interactions between businesses and consumers.

As part of the research process, a director of a Finnish company was interviewed about their attempt to transition to an industry platform model. Over the course of five years, the company invested significant amounts of time and money to assess whether a platform model was viable, only to ultimately decide it was not worth pursuing.

– Their experience reveals a gap in academic research, as there is a lack of clear guidance on how to navigate the complexities of platform-based business models. The aim of my research is to uncover the strategic challenges of platform management and help practitioners make informed decisions, Abed Alghani says.

Abed Alghani’s dissertation combines bibliometric analysis, systematic literature reviews, and a qualitative case study. It maps the landscape of the existing industry platform literature, identifies the various processes that constitute industry platform management and the associated challenges in each, and presents approaches to overcome these challenges, with a primary focus on the early phases of industry platform management.

Doctoral dissertation

Abed Alghani, Khaled (2025) Beyond the Nest: Navigating Strategic Challenges in Industry Platform Management. Acta Wasaensia 553. Doctoral dissertation. University of Vaasa.

Publication pdf

Public defence

The public examination of M.Sc Khaled Abed Alghani’s doctoral dissertation ”Beyond the Nest: Navigating Strategic Challenges in Industry Platform Management” will be held on Friday 28 March 2025 at 12 EET at the University of Vaasa, auditorium Kurtén.

It is possible to participate in the defence also online:

Password: 452244

Associate Professor Marin Jovanovic (Copenhagen Business School) will act as opponent and Professor Marko Kohtamäki as custos.


Further information

Khaled Abed Alghani was born in 1992 in Lebanon. He completed a Master’s degree in Management Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and a Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Engineering from Beirut Arab University, Lebanon. Abed Alghani is currently a doctoral researcher at the University of Vaasa.

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