News Release

THz have many targets in a living cell and can treat cancer

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Higher Education Press



Change in the number of publications with the keyword “THz + cell”. Ion channels that change their activity when exposed to THz radiation are shown.

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Credit: Rytik, A.P., Tuchin, V.V

Since 2020, there has been a significant increase in the number of publications on the results of studies of living cells using terahertz (THz) radiation. It turned out that not only membranes, organelles, proteins, but also the aqueous environment of the cell react to THz radiation. Changing the ratio of bound and free water in the cell can be one of the elements of the mechanism of action of this radiation. In other words, by moving from the gigahertz frequency range to THz, we can change the vibrational-rotational nature of the movement of water molecules in the cell and, ultimately, change the metabolism of the cell. Of course, one should remember the potential danger of using THz, primarily due to the effect on the mechanism of gene expression. However, it is already possible to declare the discovery of new horizons in cell-directed cancer therapy.

In the published work “Effect of terahertz radiation on cells and cellular structures” by A.P. Rytik and V.V. Tuchin in the journal Frontiers of Optoelectronics (published on Jan. 27, 2025), a review of modern achievements in the study of the effects of electromagnetic terahertz radiation with low fluences on cells and cellular structures was performed. An important part of the work was a critical analysis of the latest literature data on changes in the viability of cancer cells under the influence of terahertz radiation. The aspect of the safety of this radiation for the human body is also considered from the point of view of the effect of radiation on the structures and systems of a biological cell.

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