News Release

Avoidable mortality across US states and high-income countries

JAMA Internal Medicine

Peer-Reviewed Publication

JAMA Network

About The Study: This study found that avoidable mortality (comprising both preventable deaths related to prevention and public health and treatable deaths related to timely and effective health care treatment) has worsened across all U.S. states, while other high-income countries show improvement. The results suggest poorer mortality is driven by broad factors across the entirety of the U.S. While other countries appear to make gains in health with increases in health care spending, such an association does not exist across U.S. states, raising questions regarding U.S. health spending efficiency. 

Corresponding Author: To contact the corresponding author, Irene Papanicolas, PhD, email

To access the embargoed study: Visit our For The Media website at this link


Editor’s Note: Please see the article for additional information, including other authors, author contributions and affiliations, conflict of interest and financial disclosures, and funding and support.

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