News Release

Metasurface higher-order poincaré sphere polarization detection clock

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS

Fig. 1


Fig.1. Schematic illustration of polarization detection with conventional optical elements.

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Credit: by Hui Yang, Kai Ou3 et al.

Polarization, which is one of the fundamental characteristics of electromagnetic wave, characterizes the vector nature of the oscillating electric field. Light beam with spatially homogeneous or inhomogeneous SoP distribution plays a pivotal role in dictating light-matter interactions, underpinning numerous optical technologies.


As well-known, accurately and swiftly characterizing the SoP of complex structured light is crucial in the realms of classical and quantum optics. Conventional strategies for detecting SoP, which typically involve a sequence of cascaded optical elements, are bulky, complex, and run counter to miniaturization and integration.


While metasurface-enabled polarimetry has emerged to overcome these limitations, its functionality predominantly remains confined to identifying SoP within the standard Poincaré sphere framework. The comprehensive detection of SoP on the HOPS, however, continues to be a huge challenge.


In a new paper published in Light: Science & Application, a team of scientists led by Professors Yueqiang Hu and Huigao Duan from Hunan University and Hui Yang from Hunan Normal University developed a general polarization metrology method capable of fully detecting SoP on any higher-order Poincaré sphere, featuring miniaturized size, simple detection process, and direct readout mechanism.


The research team overcome the restrictions of contemporary polarimeters and propose a metasurface photonics polarization clock (MPPC) that enables fully characterization of beams on any HOPS via a single measurement. The MPPC ingeniously visualizes the SoP (represented by four parameters) with four pointers, akin to how a conventional clock displays time with three pointers. The underlying mechanism relies on transforming the optical singularities and Stokes parameters into visualized intensity patterns, facilitating the extraction of all parameters that fully determine a SoP. Remarkably, this meta-device is composed of a minimalist metasurface that does not compromise spatial resolution.


The research team have theoretically and experimentally demonstrate fully resolving SoPs on the 0th, 1st, and 2nd HOPSs. The results would open up a new pathway towards real-time polarimetry of arbitrary beams featuring miniaturized size, simple detection process, and direct readout mechanism, promising significant advancements in fields reliant on polarization.

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