image: Fresh mango may be key to reducing insulin resistance, improving insulin sensitivity in adults who are overweight or obese, according to new research published in Nutrients from the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Credit: National Mango Board
ORLANDO, Fla. – Mar. 5 2025 – New research has uncovered a potential gamechanger for improving cardiometabolic health: fresh mangos. A study recently published in the journal Nutrients finds that eating two cups of mango, just about 100 calories-worth, daily may help lower insulin concentration levels and improve insulin sensitivity in adults who are overweight or obese with chronic low-grade inflammation. The findings underscore how simple dietary choices could contribute to reducing the risk of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, which are closely linked to heart health.
The study, conducted at the Illinois Institute of Technology on 48 adults aged 20-60, examined how eating fresh mangos compared to a calorie-matched control food – Italian ices (a frozen, sweetened dessert similar to sorbet) – affected inflammation and insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese adults with low-grade chronic inflammation. The results showed that participants who ate mangos experienced significant reductions in insulin resistance, as measured by the Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR). Beta-cell function, the ability of the pancreas to produce and release insulin to mange normal glucose concentrations, also significantly improved when measured using the disposition index (DI), a key marker of how effectively the body regulates blood sugar levels.
After four weeks, those in the mango group also had significantly lower insulin concentrations in response to an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) compared to the beginning of the study, while no changes were observed in the control group.
“Managing blood glucose isn’t just about monitoring blood sugar levels—it’s about improving insulin sensitivity,” says [Indika Edirisinghe, PhD, Professor of Food Science and Nutrition]. “Our study suggests that adding fresh mangos to the diet can be a simple, enjoyable way for people who are overweight or have obesity to support better insulin function and reduce type 2 diabetes risk.”
Notably, despite eating calorically comparable foods, body composition remained stable in the mango group, whereas the control group experienced a slight but significant increase in body weight. Additional study findings showed markers of inflammation (IL-6, TNFα, hs-CRP) and glucose levels were not significantly different between the two groups at the end of the study, making mangos a heart-healthy swap for calorically comparable sweet treats. There were also no differences between interventions in fasting total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, or triglycerides.
"The improvement in insulin sensitivity in the mango group, without changes in body weight, is noteworthy – which counters misconceptions about mangos’ natural sugar content and impact on obesity and diabetes,” says Edirisinghe. “These findings support previous research showing that eating mango does not lead to weight gain, and while the exact mechanism is still unknown, the role of improved antioxidant status from mango consumption may be the mediating factor on blood glucose control.”
These findings further reinforce the importance of fresh fruit, particularly mangos, as part of a heart-healthy lifestyle and dietary habits that aid blood sugar control, weight management, and overall wellness. To learn more about the nutritional benefits of mangos, visit
About the Study
Study inclusion criteria included having a BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (>1.0 and <10.0 ng/L, and fasting blood sugar >100 mg/dL and <126 mg/dL. Those taking multivitamins or polyphenol supplements, statins, following a vegan diet or having diseases related to metabolic syndrome were excluded.
The mangos provided were a combination of Kent (126.9 g/serving) and Keitt (38.1 g/serving) varieties and beyond the intervention or control food, participants were instructed to keep their normal diet and lifestyle. Study tests (e.g., body composition) and food pick up occurred 5 times throughout the study, and participants were required to keep three-day food records to monitor compliance.
A strength of this study was its design: a 4-week randomized, placebo-controlled, single-blinded, parallel design conducted in free-living conditions, alongside assessments of both fasting and postprandial glycemic responses. This approach enabled a comprehensive evaluation of hepatic and peripheral insulin sensitivity. Limitations of the study included: study timing aligning with the COVID-19 pandemic which may have impacted inflammation data and interpretation of results; and the absence of measuring for mango metabolites.
This study was supported through an unrestricted grant from the National Mango Board (NMB). NMB had no influence over the study or its findings.
About Illinois Institute of Technology
Based in the global metropolis of Chicago, Illinois Tech was born to liberate the power of collective difference to advance technology and innovation for all. It is the only tech-focused university in the city, and it stands at the crossroads of exploration and invention, advancing the future of Chicago and the world. It offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in engineering, computing, architecture, business, design, science and human sciences, and law. Illinois Tech students are guaranteed access to hands-on experiences, personalized mentorship, and job readiness through the university’s one-of-a-kind Elevate program. Its graduates lead the state and much of the nation in economic prosperity. Its faculty and alumni built the Chicago skyline. And every day in the city's living lab, Illinois Tech fuels breakthroughs that change lives. Visit
About National Mango Board
The National Mango Board is an agricultural research and promotion program funded by the mango industry, and an instrumentalilty of the United States Department of Agriculture. The Board’s vision is “for mangos to be an on-going part of every American’s diet based on versatility, taste and nutritional benefits, enabling mangos to move toward being a top 10 valued whole fruit in the U.S. market by 2030.” One serving, or ¾ cup of the superfruit mango contains 70 calories, 50 percent of daily value of vitamin C, 15 percent of daily value of folate, 15 percent of daily value of copper, eight percent daily value of vitamin A, eight percent daily value of vitamin B6, seven percent of daily value of fiber and an amazing source of tropical flavor. Learn more at
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Article Title
Mango Consumption Is Associated with Increased Insulin Sensitivity in Participants with Overweight/Obesity and Chronic Low-Grade Inflammation
Article Publication Date
COI Statement
This study was supported through an unrestricted grant from the National Mango Board (NMB). NMB had no influence over the study or its findings.