News Release

Public consultation on the National Strategy for Quantum Technologies: Contribution collection open on the MUR website

Business Announcement


The first draft of the National Strategy for Quantum Technologies is now available on the website of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR). The document, prepared by the dedicated Working Group, is open to public consultation. The initiative aims to gather contributions and observations from sector stakeholders, promoting a participatory process in defining national guidelines.

The Working Group, established by MUR in collaboration with the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, the Ministry of Defence, the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN), and the Department for Digital Transition (DTD) of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, has involved research experts and institutional representatives to outline a strategy aimed at strengthening Italy’s position in this advanced technological field. The dedicated working group includes also Paolo De Natale and Alessandro Zavatta of the CNR National Institute of Optics.

The initiative is part of the country’s commitment, formalized by the signing of the European Declaration on Quantum Technologies by Minister Anna Maria Bernini. This document reaffirms Italy’s intention to boost investments in research and innovation, as well as to develop specialized skills to support the European quantum ecosystem, recognizing its strategic importance for global security.

The analysis of the Italian context highlights a growing landscape, with a high-level academic and industrial system already active in the fields of quantum computingsimulationmetrology, and quantum sensing. The public consultation is open to all interested parties, who can submit suggestions and observations to contribute to the definition of the National Strategy.

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