News Release

AAIF2025 conference: International actin conference with comprehensive topics

Meeting Announcement

HUN-REN Szegedi Biológiai Kutatóközpont

Since the discovery of actin in relation to muscle function more than 80 years ago by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi in Szeged, Hungary, actin research has become extremely diverse and now extends to plants and prokaryotes, as well as biochemical, biophysical, molecular, and cellular biology fields. The need for an international actin conference with comprehensive topics, where the latest results and research directions are presented, is critical for the community. Therefore, we decided to bring together the best experts in actin biology from across the world to build research synergies to tackle long-standing questions covering the enormous spectrum of the field of actin biology.

Hereby we kindly invite you to participate in the ACTIN ASSEMBLY FOR INTRACELLULAR FUNCTIONS 2025 conference between May 21-24, 2025. The meeting will take place in the new conference centre of the HUN-REN Biological Research Centre (BRC) Szeged, Hungary (, where the lecture halls, the poster and company exhibition areas will all be located in one building, together with the restaurant and social rooms. This venue is ideal for catching up with colleagues, discussing your research, building collaborations, and sparking new ideas.

With 27 invited speakers already confirmed, 12 additional short presentations, three poster sessions, and social events, including the Wine Festival and Bridge Fair in Szeged, AAIF2025 is guaranteed to be a stimulating and enjoyable conference for all participants.


  • Actin protein dynamics
  • Actin in mechanotransduction
  • Actin in diseases
  • Actin in intracellular trafficking
  • Actin and phase separation
  • Actin across evolution
  • Actin and the genome




for all the information you need, including the programme, and where you can register.

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