News Release

Jiang to receive NSF CAREER Award funding

Grant and Award Announcement

George Mason University

Weiwen Jiang, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering and Computing (CEC), is set to receive NSF funding for: “CAREER: Efficient and Scalable Deployment Automation for Quantum-Centric Computing.” 

The objective of this CAREER project is to create a deployment automation framework, namely AutoQC, end-to-end pilot AutoQC framework for quantum centric computing cyberinfrastructure (QuCI), encompassing resource allocation and management, system calibration and monitoring, and fault-tolerant circuit construction.

The proposed deployment services will work for QuCIs at both near-term noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) and long-term fault-tolerant quantum computing (FTQC).

Jiang has divided this research into three areas:

  1. Just-in-time Quantum Performance Characterization and Resource Allocation 
  2. Run-time Efficient Quantum Device Calibration with Scalable Monitoring. 
  3. Ahead-of-time Learning-based Logical Gate Construction for Fault-tolerant Quantum Computing.

Jiang will receive $641,778 from the National Science Foundation for this project. Funding will begin in June 2025 and will end in late May 2030.

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