image: Photographs of the life stages of Dira clytus clytus taken during its rearing a adult b eggs c, d newly hatched larva (dorsal and lateral views) e first instar larva (three days old) f first instar larva preparing to moult (nine days old) g, h second instar larva (dorsal and lateral views) i third instar larva j fourth instar larva k, l fifth instar larva (dorsal and lateral views) m fifth instar larvae huddling together in a big group n pre-pupal form o, p pupa (lateral and ventral views).
Credit: Silvia Mecenero and Stephen P. Kirkman.
A recent study published in the open-access journal African Invertebrates provides insights into the life history and behaviour of the endemic Cape Autumn Widow butterfly (Dira clytus), a species endemic to South Africa.
In the study, Silvia Mecenero of the Lepidopterists’ Society of Africa and Stephen Kirkman of Nelson Mandela University examine the species’ developmental stages and responses to environmental conditions, with implications for conservation efforts.
By rearing the subspecies Dira clytus clytus in controlled conditions, the researchers documented the butterfly's complete life cycle, from egg to adult. Two distinct pupation and adult emergence phases were identified over a period of a few months, influenced by cold temperatures, suggesting that environmental cues play a role in triggering these developmental events. The fact that two broods were found in a matter of months is interesting, because in the wild this species breeds only once a year.
The findings indicate that Dira clytus clytus could show some phenological plasticity in its response to climate change, by changing its timing of pupation and the number of broods within a year. Such flexibility may not always be beneficial to butterflies, as shifts in phenology could lead to mismatches with the availability of their host plants. However, Dira clytus clytus is a generalist that feeds on a variety of grasses and may therefore be more adaptable to changes in its phenology.
The study was published as part of a commemorative collection of articles published in honour of the late ecologist Prof. Stefan H. Foord.
Original study
Mecenero S, Kirkman SP (2025) Life history and behavioural observations during the rearing of Dira clytus clytus (Linnaeus, 1764) (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), with notes on implications for climate change adaptation. African Invertebrates 66(1): 65-72.
African Invertebrates
Article Title
Life history and behavioural observations during the rearing of Dira clytus clytus (Linnaeus, 1764) (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), with notes on implications for climate change adaptation
Article Publication Date