News Release

Labor market immigrants moving to Germany are less likely to make their first choice of residence in regions where xenophobic attitudes, measured by right-wing party support and xenophobic violence, are stronger, per 2004-2017 data

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Do xenophobic attitudes influence migrant workers’ regional location choice?


Choice of residence by migrant workers is influenced by xenophobic attitudes.

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Credit: Buch et al., CC-BY 4.0 (

Labor market immigrants moving to Germany are less likely to make their first choice of residence in regions where xenophobic attitudes, measured by right-wing party support and xenophobic violence, are stronger, per 2004-2017 data



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Article title: Do xenophobic attitudes influence migrant workers’ regional location choice?

Author countries: Germany

Funding: The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.

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