Gregory Stein, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, School of Computing, College of Engineering and Computing (CEC); Xuan Wang, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, CEC; Daigo Shishika, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, CEC; and Xuesu Xiao, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, CEC, are completing a project titled: “Tactical Behavior, Coordination, and Obfuscation under Extreme Uncertainty.”
The researchers’ central goal is to build a framework capable of producing coordinated long-horizon tactical behaviors to navigate a heterogeneous multi-robot convoy through uncertain, adversary-controlled terrain. Their work will help to further the science of autonomous robot teams operating under conditions of uncertainty. The work will make strides towards the next generation of robot teams, which will need to adapt, coordinate, and respond to unforeseen changes in the environment, to unexpectedly difficult terrain, or to their collective objective.
They received $1,670,000 from the Army Research Laboratory for this project. Funding began in Dec. 2024 and will end in late Nov. 2028.
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