News Release

Baleen whales in the northwest Atlantic are particularly vulnerable to boat injuries in densely inhabited regions, shipping routes, and fishing grounds

According to a spatiotemporal vulnerability analysis conducted under current and climate change conditions

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Assessing changing baleen whale distributions and reported incidents relative to vessel activity in the Northwest Atlantic


Major risks to baleen whales. Examples of NA right whales killed by (a) ship strikes (b) Entanglement in fishing gear. Image credits: (a) Marine Animal Response Society, collected under federal SARA permit issued to MARS. (b) NEFSC taken under SARA Permit DFO-MAR-2016-02 (Amendment 1) and NMFS Permit 17355.

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Credit: Solway et al., 2025, PLOS One, CC-BY 4.0 (

Baleen whales in the northwest Atlantic are particularly vulnerable to boat injuries in densely inhabited regions, shipping routes, and fishing grounds, according to a spatiotemporal vulnerability analysis conducted under current and climate change conditions



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Article title: Assessing changing baleen whale distributions and reported incidents relative to vessel activity in the Northwest Atlantic

Author countries: Canada

Funding: This study was funded as part of a Canada First Research Excellence Fund grant to the Ocean Frontier Institute, with additional support by the Jarislowsky Foundation (DPT) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant RGPIN-2020-06873 (DPT) and RGPIN 2017-05118 (BW). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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