image: Fayzan Rab, MD Candidate, Emory University, USA.
Credit: Fayzan Rab
ATLANTA, Georgia, USA, 31 December 2024 - In a comprehensive Genomic Press Interview, Emory University MD candidate Fayzan Rab shares insights into his pioneering research on the economic and public health implications of psychedelic therapy implementation. Rab's work at the Emory Center for Psychedelics and Spirituality bridges the gap between clinical research and real-world healthcare delivery systems.
"It would be a fool's errand to say that psychedelic therapies alone would change that," says Rab, discussing mental healthcare challenges. "Treating mental illness will require changes within clinical practice but also investments into social safety nets, re-employment opportunities, and affordable housing."
Rab brings a unique perspective to psychedelic research, having previously led product development at Google and Mindstrong Health before pursuing medicine. His recent publication in Psychedelics, co-authored with Raison and Marseille, provides the first comprehensive estimate of potential patient demand for psilocybin therapy in depression treatment.
The research tackles critical implementation questions often overlooked in psychedelic science. While many studies focus on clinical trials, Rab investigates broader systemic challenges: healthcare accessibility, cultural inclusion, and economic viability. His work particularly emphasizes the importance of making these innovative treatments accessible to traditionally underserved communities.
"My hope in psychedelic science is that we get to integrate those questions early on while psychedelic therapies are in their infancy," Rab explains. "By addressing and planning for them now, I believe these therapies could reach and become more accessible to those generally excluded from treatment innovations."
Beyond traditional mental health applications, Rab has an interest in expanding the scope of psychedelic research to new populations including healthcare workers, cancer patients, and post-partum mothers and those with chronic pain. His work emphasizes the importance of community partnerships in developing research questions, particularly in his studies of Muslim communities' perspectives on psychedelic therapies.
The Genomic Press Interview offers unique insights into Rab's methodology and vision. His research group operates on two fundamental principles: maintaining narrow focus while seeking broader applications, and valuing progress over perfection. This approach has enabled meaningful contributions to the field while maintaining scientific rigor.
Dr. Charles Raison, Director of Research at the Emory Center for Psychedelics and Spirituality, notes: "Rab's research addresses crucial questions about implementation and accessibility that will shape the future of psychedelic medicine."
Fayzan Rab’s Genomic Press interview is part of a larger series that highlights the people behind today’s most influential scientific ideas. Each interview in the series offers a blend of cutting-edge research and personal reflections, providing readers with a comprehensive view of the scientists shaping the future. By combining a focus on professional achievements with personal insights, this interview style invites a richer narrative that both engages and educates readers. This format provides an ideal starting point for profiles that delve into the scientist’s impact on the field, while also touching on broader human themes. More information on the research leaders and research rising stars featured by Genomic Press can be found in our publication website:
The full Genomic Press Interview, titled “Fayzan Rab: What are the economic and public health implications of psychedelic therapies?,” is available on 24 December 2024 in Psychedelics, offering readers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the thoughts and experiences of one of the most influential minds in neuroscience and neurobiology of brain disorders. The article is freely available online at
About Psychedelics – Psychedelics: The Journal of Psychedelic Pharmacology (ISSN: 2997-2671) is a peer-reviewed medical research journal published by Genomic Press, New York. Psychedelics is exclusively dedicated to the latest advancements in the realm of psychedelic substances and their potential therapeutic uses. We embrace the full spectrum of research, from fundamental investigations to cutting-edge clinical studies. Psychedelics welcomes diverse perspectives and contributions, advancing the understanding of psychedelic compounds.
Article Title
Fayzan Rab: What are the economic and public health implications of psychedelic therapies?
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