News Release

Swelling streams – climate change causes more sediment in high-mountain rivers

Peer-Reviewed Publication

University of Potsdam

Abrasion of hydropower plant turbines due to increased sediment transport. Example from Nepal.


Abrasion of hydropower plant turbines due to increased sediment transport. Example from Nepal.

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Credit: Bodo Bookhagen

“The specific sediment yield in catchments with high glacial cover is on average an order of magnitude higher than glacier-free basins, and appears overall higher in Asia’s glacierized catchments than those reported for the European Alps, the Andes, or Norway,” says Bodo Bookhagen, professor for Geological Remote Sensing at the University of Potsdam. The fluvial suspended sediment threatens the water quality downstream and thus the aquatic ecosystems, the river infrastructure such as hydropower plants and bridges as well as agriculture and pastoralism.

The team investigated 151 rivers around the Tibetan plateau and demonstrated that glaciers exert a first-order control on fluvial sediment yield, especially with high precipitation and in high glacier-cover basins. “Our work highlights the many competing factors in controlling the transported material in river catchments and shows that a more accurate prediction of the sediment volume should consider not only climate change, but also glacier dynamics and vegetation changes and their interactions with slope,” Bodo Bookhagen emphasizes. Vegetation influences sediment transport especially in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and Tien Shan. Depending on climate zone, vegetation can either promote erosion of material or have a stabilizing effect on slopes. These findings call for a systematic basin-wide approach to climate change adaptation in high mountain regions.

Link to Publication: Dongfeng Li et al. The competing controls of glaciers, precipitation, and vegetation on high-mountain fluvial sediment yields. Sci.Adv.10, eads6196(2024).

Image 1: Abrasion of hydropower plant turbines due to increased sediment transport. Example from Nepal. Photo: Bodo Bookhagen.
Image 2: A sediment-covered glacier in the northwest Himalayas in a region where a lot of sediment is produced and transported away in the rivers. Photo: Bodo Bookhagen.
Image 3: Union of two rivers with high and low sediment content in India. Photo: Bodo Bookhagen.

Prof. Dr. Bodo Bookhagen, Institute of Geosciences
Phone: +49 331 977-5779

Media Information 03-12-2024 / Nr. 114
Dr. Stefanie Mikulla

Universität Potsdam
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