News Release

From Houston to Scotland: Seed grants boosting shared energy solutions and innovations

University of Houston and Scotland’s Heriot-Watt University boost six transatlantic research projects

Grant and Award Announcement

University of Houston

​​​​HOUSTON, Oct. 21, 2024 – The University of Houston and Scotland’s Heriot-Watt University have awarded seed grants to six innovative energy projects as part of their transatlantic research collaboration. The projects, which bring together researchers from both universities, focus on cutting-edge solutions ranging from advanced hydrogen sensing technology to converting waste into sustainable products.

“This partnership is rooted in a shared commitment to advancing research that supports a just energy transition," said Ramanan Krishnamoorti, vice president for energy and innovation at UH. "Hydrogen, and in particular low carbon hydrogen, is essential to achieving sustainable energy solutions."

This marks the first round of awards under the “UH2HWU” seed grant program, which was created following the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two institutions earlier this year. Both universities seek to drive global progress in energy research, education, and innovation, with a particular focus on hydrogen as a key element in the shift toward cleaner energy.

Located in Houston, home to over 4,500 energy companies and a major hub for the oil and gas industry, UH – The Energy University – has a long history of energy-focused research. As a Carnegie-designated Tier One public research university, UH is well-positioned to demonstrate energy solutions at scale, drawing on the region's expertise.

Founded in 1821, Heriot-Watt University is a research-driven institution with a strong commitment to clean energy and next-generation technologies. HWU has campuses in Scotland, the United Arab Emirates, and Malaysia, allowing it to engage globally on key energy issues.

The UH2HWU program provided $20,000 in seed funding to each of the selected projects, with the goal of helping researchers secure additional funding from government and private sources. A total of 11 proposals were submitted, and a panel of industry experts reviewed them.

“We wanted to bring in industry experts to not only assess the quality of the proposals but also to attract industry support of the projects,” said Michael Harold, assistant vice president for intellectual property and industrial engagement at UH. “It’s a win-win —reviewers get a first look at cutting-edge ideas, and the projects have a chance to build industry interest for future development.”

Through this partnership, UH and HWU aim to tackle global energy challenges and make meaningful contributions toward a sustainable future. By leveraging their strengths and expertise, both institutions hope to amplify their impact on the energy sector and beyond.


The winning projects:


Title: A joint research project on the feasibility of Repurposing Offshore Infrastructure for Clean Energy in the North Sea aka ROICE North Sea.

Investigators: Ram Seetharam, ROICE Program executive director at UH, Edward Owens, professor of energy, geoscience, infrastructure and society at HWU, and Sandy Kerr, associate professor of economics at HWU.

Summary: The UH ROICE team focuses on reusing old offshore structures for clean energy instead of removing them after their productive life. These structures can support hydrogen production, wind power, solar energy, geothermal, wave, tidal energy, and carbon dioxide storage. The UH team has created cost and project models for the Gulf of Mexico and will now work with Heriot-Watt University to apply this idea to the UK North Sea, which has over 250 platforms and about 50,000 kilometers of pipelines. Repurposing those platforms and pipelines for clean energy is expected to be a cheaper alternative to decommissioning, which could cost over £50 billion or about $40 billion.


Title: Novel Hydrogen Sensing Concept Using Optical Probe.

Investigators: Stanko Brankovic, professor of electrical and computer engineering at UH, and Marc Little, assistant professor in chemical sciences at HWU.

Summary: The team proposes to create a new type of hydrogen sensor using optical fiber with a Bragg Grating coated in palladium or Pd alloy. The surface of the coating is modified to improve hydrogen detection and reduce interference from other gases. The sensor works by combining two effects: light reflection through the fiber, which changes with strain, and the pressure of the metal coating, which varies based on hydrogen levels. The goal is to develop a fast, real-time sensor for detecting hydrogen in both liquid and gas environments.


Title: Towards Mitigating GHG Emissions from Oil and Gas Wells in Texas Through Identification, Assessment and Quantification.

Investigators: Ganesh Thakur, professor of petroleum engineering at UH, and Aaron Cahill, assistant professor of applied geoscience at HWU.

Summary: The team will examine GHG emissions from existing wells in Texas and will organize a 3-day workshop focused on identifying, assessing, and measuring methane and carbon dioxide emissions from active and old oil and gas wells in Texas, with the goal of reducing these emissions. The EPA estimates there are about 3 million abandoned wells across the U.S., but many remain undocumented. Texas has over 250,000 wells, with more than 8,000 orphaned wells documented. These wells may emit methane, posing risks to the environment and groundwater. The workshop will bring together experts to discuss solutions for mitigating emissions and well integrity issues in Texas.


Title: Modified Waste Polymers as Coatings for Hydrogen Pipelines.

Investigators: Megan Robertson, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, and Anil Bhowmick, research professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, both at UH, along with David Bucknall, professor of materials chemistry, and Clare McCabe professor from the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, both at HWU.

Summary: Transitioning to widespread hydrogen use requires existing pipelines, but steel pipes can’t be used because hydrogen makes steel brittle. The pipes need to be strengthened and protected with special coatings. This team aims to find waste or bio-based polymers, modify them for coating use, and test them in hydrogen environments under high pressure and temperature. The goal is to develop environmentally friendly, innovative coatings.


Title: Global Perspective on Hydrogen Refueling.

Investigators: Christine Ehlig-Economides, professor of petroleum engineering at UH, and Joe Powell, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering and executive director of the Energy Transition Institute at UH, along with Christa Searle, assistant professor of operations management and logistics from HWU, and Kit Searle program director in operations research from the University of Edinburgh. 

Summary: The U.S. and U.K. face different challenges in moving away from oil-based transportation due to their geography, resources, and infrastructure. These factors affect the entire fuel supply chain, from production to distribution. Both countries deal with fluctuations in solar and wind energy, but the U.S. has more natural gas, which could support a stronger hydrogen supply for refueling stations. Repurposing existing fuel infrastructure for hydrogen or E-fuels, made from hydrogen and carbon dioxide, is possible if costs aren’t too high. This proposal will evaluate the best strategies for transitioning from liquid fuels to electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles globally, considering differences in regions like Europe, Africa, and Asia.


Title: UH2WU Circular Carbon Economy.

Investigators: Joe Powell, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering and executive director of the Energy Transition Institute at UH, along with Rafaella Ocone, professor of chemical engineering at the Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering, Aimaro Sanna, assistant professor at the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, and Nik Willoughby, professor at the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences – all from HWU.

Summary: Municipal solid waste, which includes commercial and residential waste, varies worldwide, but typically half of its hydrocarbon content is renewable biomass, and the other half is hard-to-recycle plastics. Refuse-derived fuel or RDF is the part of MSW that can be used as fuel for heating and power generation. This research will look at ways to use the RDF to produce sustainable fuels and chemicals. It will consider global differences and similarities in waste composition and supply chains to find the best solutions.


*** To schedule an interview, please contact Rashda Khan: or (c)325-656-2824. ***


About the University of Houston

The University of Houston is a Carnegie-designated Tier One public research university recognized with a Phi Beta Kappa chapter for excellence in undergraduate education. UH serves the globally competitive Houston and Gulf Coast Region by providing world-class faculty, experiential learning and strategic industry partnerships. Located in the nation's fourth-largest city and one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse regions in the country, UH is a federally designated Hispanic- and Asian-American-Serving institution with enrollment of more than 47,000 students.

About Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University (HWU) is a global research-led university based in the UK, with five campuses in Edinburgh, the Scottish Borders, Orkney, Dubai and Malaysia. Around 27,000 students from 154 countries are currently studying with us. We have 159,000 alumni in 190 countries. HWU was founded in Edinburgh in 1821 as the world’s first mechanics institute. In 1966, it became a university by Royal Charter. The university is named after 18th century Scottish engineer and inventor James Watt and 16th century Scottish philanthropist and goldsmith George Heriot.


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