News Release

Strong coupling between Andreev qubits mediated by a microwave resonator

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Swiss Nanoscience Institute, University of Basel

Andreev qubit coupler


Andreev qubit coupler: The long microwave resonator (a) couples two Andreev qubits (left (b), right (c)). The port in the center of image (a) is the readout port. The magnification of a single nanowire (d) gives an idea of the tiny size of a single qubit. The nanowire is coated with a superconductor (cyan). The actual Andreev bound state, which forms the qubit states, is located in the central white section marked by the red arrow. There is also a similar nanowire on the left quantum device. (Image:Andreev qubit coupler)

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Credit: C. Schönenberger, Department of Physics and Swiss Nanoscience Institute, University of Basel)

Quantum communication and quantum computing operate based on quantum bits (qubits) as the smallest unit of information — related to bits in a classical computer. Of the many different approaches currently being investigated around the world, one promising option is to use Andreev pair qubits.

These qubits are formed at interfaces between a metal and a superconductor in a process known as Andreev reflection. Here, an electron from the metal enters the superconductor, where it becomes part of an electron pair (a Cooper pair) — while a hole, which behaves like a positive particle, is reflected back into the metal. Based on this process discrete pairs of bound states are formed at the interface of these materials. They are known as Andreev bound states and can serve as the basis states of a qubit. These states are relatively robust to outside perturbations, and the coherence time — the time for which superposition is maintained — is relatively long. They can also be readily controlled and incorporated into modern electronic circuits. All of these factors are advantageous for developing reliable and scalable quantum computers.

Exchange between two quantum systems
The researchers have now achieved a strong quantum mechanical coupling between two Andreev qubits, each localized in a semiconducting nanowire. The results show excellent agreement with theoretical models.

“We coupled the two Andreev pair qubits at a large distance from one another at the two ends of a long, superconducting microwave resonator. This allows the exchange of microwave photons between the resonator and the qubits,” explains Professor Christian Schönenberger from the Department of Physics and the Swiss Nanoscience Institute of the University of Basel, whose team carried out the experiments.

The microwave resonator can be used in two different ways: In one mode, the qubits can be read out via the resonator, providing the researchers with information on their quantum state. A second mode is used to couple the two qubits to each other, allowing them to “communicate” without losing microwave photons. The two qubits are then no longer independent of one another but rather share a new quantum state — which is vital for the development of quantum communication and quantum computers.

“In our work, we combine three quantum systems so that they can exchange photons between each other. Our qubits themselves are only about 100 nanometers in size, and we couple them over a macroscopic distance of 6 millimeters,” says Dr. Andreas Baumgartner, one of the article’s co-authors. “By doing so, we were able to show that Andreev pair qubits are suitable as compact and scalable solid-state qubits”.

This work was carried out by teams from the universities of Basel, Copenhagen, Karlsruhe and Yale as part of the European FET Open project AndQC.


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