News Release

The 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum has concluded

Meeting Announcement

Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation

11th HLF


The 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum

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Credit: Image credit: Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation

The 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) has come to a close. This year’s HLF took place from September 22 to 27 and brought together 25 Laureates of the most prestigious prizes in mathematics and computer science as well as 200 of those disciplines’ brightest Young Researchers of the next generation. The week featured a host of fascinating talks, panels and interactive formats where some of the timeliest issues relating to mathematics and computer science were discussed. These included the differences between learning in AI and humans, the role that mathematics and computer science play in understanding and combating climate change, as well as novel methods of conducting science communication and outreach in these disciplines. The HLF provided the space and time for leading researchers in their fields to interact, share ideas, network and form lasting connections that promise to develop into fruitful collaborations.

In keeping with the tradition begun last year, 20 HLF Alumni were invited back to share their experience and expertise, such as by conducting Workshops for Young Researchers. Dynamic formats such as Lightning Talks and Spark Sessions provided participants with exciting ways to engage with Laureates and spark debates throughout the week.

If you happened to miss the 11th HLF, you can still watch the scientific program at any time via our archived materials:

  • YouTube: Find recordings of the entire scientific program, highlight videos and Vlog episodes from the 11th HLF on our YouTube channel. You can also find videos from past HLFs as well as in-depth interviews with Laureates.
  • HLFF Blog: Check out fascinating articles both on the 11th HLF as well as regular pieces every week for topics related to mathematics and computer science.
  • Flickr: Find a curated selection of the best photos from the 11th HLF that can be used for reporting on the event.
  • HLFF Spotlight – 11th HLF: Check out our HLFF Spotlight series for this year’s HLF, in which we shine a light on some of the brilliant Young Researchers, Laureates and other guests who attended this year’s HLF.

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