News Release

Terasaki Institute CEO Dr. Ali Khademhosseini awarded the AIChE’s 2024 Andreas Acrivos Professional Progress

Grant and Award Announcement

Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation

Ali Khademhosseini Acrivos Award


Terasaki Institute CEO Dr. Ali Khademhosseini Awarded the AIChE’s 2024 Andreas Acrivos Professional Progress

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Credit: Terasaki Institute

Dr. Ali Khademhosseini, Ph.D., CEO and Director of the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI), is honored with the 2024 Andreas Acrivos Award for Professional Progress in Chemical Engineering by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). This distinguished honor recognizes outstanding progress in the field of chemical engineering.

Named after Dr. Andreas Acrivos, Albert Einstein Professor of Science and Engineering, emeritus at the City College of New York, whose pioneering work in fluid mechanics and transport phenomena revolutionized the field, the award has been presented annually since 1966. Past recipients include leading figures such as Nobel laureate Dr. Frances Arnold and MIT’s Dr. Robert Langer, both of whom have made transformative impacts in biotechnology and engineering.

The Andreas Acrivos Award acknowledges Dr. Khademhosseini’s contributions to the field, particularly his work in utilizing chemical engineering fundamentals in the development of micro- and nano engineering of biomaterials. His technologies have improved the control of cell and tissue behaviors, advancing regenerative medicine applications with new approaches in tissue engineering, organs-on-a-chip systems, and biomedical devices, impacting human health and treatment methods.

 “Receiving the Andreas Acrivos Award is a tremendous honor,” said Dr. Khademhosseini. “This recognition underscores the importance of innovation at the intersection of chemical engineering and biology, and it motivates our team at TIBI to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in biomedical research.”

 The 2024 Andreas Acrivos Award will be presented at the Institute’s Honors Ceremony during the 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, in late October.



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Stewart Han



About Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation


The Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation is a non-profit research organization dedicated to leveraging cutting-edge technology to address global health challenges. By fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and pushing the boundaries of innovation, TIBI aims to transform healthcare and improve lives worldwide.

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