News Release

How can climate adaptation succeed in the long run?

Meeting Announcement

University of Hamburg

Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024


Cover image of the study:
Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024. Conditions for Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation

by the Cluster of Excellence for Climate Research "Climate, Climatic Change, and Society", University of Hamburg

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Credit: CLICCS / University of Hamburg

Invitation for Members of the Press

How can climate adaptation succeed in the long run?

On the basis of nine case studies from around the world, the Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024 identifies the conditions for successfully and sustainably adapting to the impacts of climate change. A study recently released by the University of Hamburg’s Cluster of Excellence for climate research (CLICCS) demonstrates the urgent need for developing new adaptation strategies while also reducing climate-harmful emissions – and offers corresponding practical recommendations.

As in past installments, the experts assessed ten key social processes that are relevant for deep decarbonization and adhering to the 1.5-degree target. In addition, the study shows how the combination of climate change and natural climate variations is already affecting ecosystems and economies and entails greater risks for the future.

To accompany the release of the “Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024. Conditions for Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation,” you are warmly invited to a presentation of the main findings. There will be ample time for your questions.

Online Press Conference
Thursday, September 19, 2024, 10 a.m. (EST)


Prof. Anita Engels, sociology, CLICCS, University of Hamburg, Germany
Prof. Jochem Marotzke, meteorology, CLICCS, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany
Prof. Beate Ratter, geography, CLICCS, University of Hamburg, Helmholtz Centre Hereon, Germany
Prof. Gabriela Di Giulio, public health and environment, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Dr. Eduardo Gresse, CLICCS, University of Hamburg

Venue: Virtual, ZOOM videocall
Registration: Please register by mailing Stephanie Janssen ( by Sept. 18, 2024. You will receive a link to the conference well in advance.
Organizer: Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS)”, University of Hamburg


Please note that you need to have ZOOM installed on your device; otherwise, the University’s security system will unfortunately not allow you to participate.

Press contact:
Stephanie Janssen
University of Hamburg
Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS)
Public Relations / Outreach
+49 40 42838-7596

Franziska Neigenfind
University of Hamburg
Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS)
Public Relations / Outreach
+49 40 42838-6173

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