News Release

Van Oevelen receives funding For WMO WCRP support to IGPO 2024 meetings

Grant and Award Announcement

George Mason University

Van Oevelen Receives Funding For WMO WCRP Support To IGPO 2024 Meetings

Petrus van Oevelen, Professor in Practice, Climate Dynamics, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences (AOES), College of Science; Director of the International Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Project Office, received $33,323 from the World Meteorological Organization for: “WMO WCRP support to IGPO 2024 Meetings.” This funding began in July 2024 and will end in late Dec. 2024.



George Mason University is Virginia’s largest public research university. Located near Washington, D.C., Mason enrolls more than 40,000 students from 130 countries and all 50 states. Mason has grown rapidly over the past half-century and is recognized for its innovation and entrepreneurship, remarkable diversity, and commitment to accessibility. In 2023, the university launched Mason Now: Power the Possible, a one-billion-dollar comprehensive campaign to support student success, research, innovation, community, and stewardship. Learn more at


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