News Release

Climate Design Summit

Grant and Award Announcement

Higher Education Press

The Climate Design Summit, hosted by Peking University, will be held in Beijing on October 29, 2024. To further promote and disseminate the academic outcomes of this Summit, the journal Landscape Architecture Frontiers (LA Frontiers) will collect conference papers during the event. The research topics and related submission requirements are as follows.

Research Topics

The forum will explore how to use design thinking to systematically address the climate crises. This includes optimizing the design of objects, spaces, and production or living systems across various scales—from everyday items, fashion, and household goods to cities, landscapes, and national territories—ultimately achieving overall mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Time line for the Issue

1. Announcement circulation and paper submission open: August 30th, 2024

2. Paper submissions are requested by October 15, 2024

3. Publication in the issue of 2025

Submission Requirements

Before submission the authors should carefully read over the journal’s Author Guidelines, which are located at, and submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript via the journal Manuscript Tracking System at When submitting your manuscript, please select the “Type” as “Climate Design”.


1. Articles in all columns of LA Frontiers are indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of the Web of Science (WOS) Core Collection.

2. LA Frontiers is listed in the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ JIF quartile table.

3. LA Frontiers is included in the China Science Citation Database (CSCD).

4. LA Frontiers is included in the World Journal Clout Index (WJCI) Report for Scientific Journals.

5. LA Frontiers is indexed by databases such as the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the EBSCO Art & Architecture Complete in the United States.

6. LA Frontiers received the Honor Award in Communications from the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) in 2015 and has been recognized multiple times as one of the “Most Beautiful Chinese Journals” and an outstanding science and technology journal in Chinese universities.


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