News Release

In US community efforts to prevent childhood obesity, women leaders with more experience and connections have the greatest impact

Peer-Reviewed Publication


In US community efforts to prevent childhood obesity, women leaders with more experience and connections have the greatest impact


Fig 3. Cross-section of coalition-committee networks by wave of data collection.

This figure, panels A-L, illustrates the cross-section (by wave of data collection) network position movement of two coalition-committee members in each community who demonstrated the highest increases in their Knowledge and Engagement scores; it combines our positional, triad, and community detection analysis with changes in two of our key outcomes. Circles are coalition-committee members, with the two largest circles indicating the coalition-committee members who saw the largest increase in their Knowledge and Engagement scores. Triangles are those with whom coalition-committee members discuss childhood obesity prevention, termed first-degree alters. The colors correspond to community clusters that were identified using the SPLA algorithm.

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Credit: Moore et al, 2024, PLOS Complex Systems, CC BY 4.0

In US community efforts to prevent childhood obesity, women leaders with more experience and connections have the greatest impact.


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Article Title: Determinants and facilitators of community coalition diffusion of prevention efforts

Author Countries: United States

Funding: TM, MP, and CE received funding from the JPB Foundation (PR0580) The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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